


10 superfoods that can help you fight fatigue

Posted on 2018-12-21

Do you feel like you're always tired? Fatigue is a lingering tiredness that is constant and limiting. With fatigue, you have unexplained, persistent, and relapsing exhaustion. Many though, still don’t attempt to get rid of fatigue the right and healthy way. If you are amongst the people that depend on energy drinks to get relieved, you probably already know that it’s not the safest option for your health. Fatigue has innumerable negative effects, such as reduced mobility and may be caused by illness, disabilities, aging, and some other recherché factors. Below are ten superfoods to help you fight fatigue:

1- Water

It is of paramount importance to employ it as a ritual to drink water regularly if you want to get rid of fatigue. Water doesn’t give energy in the form of calories but it facilitates the energetic processes in the body.

2- Milk

Now that you gather that water is essential to fight fatigue, milk is also equally important. It does not only contain protein and energy-reviving carbohydrates, it also supplies us water.

3- Oatmeal

As you run low on fuel in the morning after a night of sleep, a great option is to have oatmeal as soon as you wake. However, this is not to infer that oatmeal is only for breakfast. Oatmeal contains fiber and protein, and mixing it with water and milk is definitely a plus to get rid of fatigue.

4- Fruits and vegetables

Fresh foods contain more and better nutrients than any other type of food. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables is an effective way to fight fatigue. For example, watermelon contains 90% water and we already know the importance of water in fighting fatigue.

5- Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are considered one of the best foods to prevent and eradicate fatigue, as well as to fight hunger. Consuming raw and unsalted types of cashews, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, and pecans can be extra effective and give a little boost of energy.

6- Tea

In the interest of fighting fatigue, tea is highly recommended to consume, rather than coffee. This is because teas contain a crucial fatigue-fighting ingredient, called I-theanine. But make sure to avoid any excess

7- Beans

Another recommendable way to fight fatigue is to consume beans regularly. Beans contain fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Beans also contain magnesium and iron, which reduces muscle fatigue and produces then distributes energy accordingly.

8- Eggs

A study conducted 2009 has proven that protein helps in building muscles, keeping you full, as well as supplying sustained energy to the body. The average egg contains about 6-7 grams of protein, which helps maintain blood sugar. Apart from protein, eggs also contain iron and zinc, to important ingredient for the balance of your body.

9- Sweet potatoes

Did you know about this superfood? To get rid of fatigue, one can include potassium because of its means to maintain balanced electrolytes. This lets us stay maximally hydrated, thereby impeding or eradicating fatigue. It also helps relax the body and lower blood pressure. Sweet potatoes are great sources of potassium. They contain a quarter of a day’s worth of potassium.

10- Chia seeds

This post would definitely be incomplete without mentioning chia seeds. Chia seeds have the right ratio of protein, fats, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium and antioxidants, making it profoundly effective in keeping blood sugar levels balanced. Chia seeds also reduce inflammation in your body to make the muscles and brain refreshed, with the help of the omega 3 fatty acids that it contains. It is highly recommended to fight fatigue. One important tip: Be careful when purchasing food products containing chia. They often contain plenty of added sugars. Read the label to know what you’re getting.